AI-Powered Learning

Learn 3x faster with AI quizzes

Upload any PDF and instantly create engaging quizzes that boost knowledge retention by 70%. Used by over 1,000 students and educators.

Transform any PDF into a quiz in under 30 seconds
Proven to improve exam scores by up to 40%
Used by top universities and learning institutions
1,000+ users boosting their learning today
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Question 2 of 366% complete
Quiz Results
Research Paper Quiz
Great job!
8 Correct
2 Incorrect
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Alex Chen

Pre-Med Student

PDF Quiz boosted my anatomy exam from a C to an A-. Flashcards in seconds!
Sarah Johnson

MBA Candidate

Game-changer for business case studies. 70% better retention in half the time.
Prof. Rodriguez

Biology Department

Student test scores up 35%. Best teaching assistant I never had to hire!
Michael Wu

Law Student

Saved my bar exam prep. Made memorizing legal precedents actually possible.
Alex Chen

Pre-Med Student

PDF Quiz boosted my anatomy exam from a C to an A-. Flashcards in seconds!
Sarah Johnson

MBA Candidate

Game-changer for business case studies. 70% better retention in half the time.
Prof. Rodriguez

Biology Department

Student test scores up 35%. Best teaching assistant I never had to hire!
Michael Wu

Law Student

Saved my bar exam prep. Made memorizing legal precedents actually possible.
Alex Chen

Pre-Med Student

PDF Quiz boosted my anatomy exam from a C to an A-. Flashcards in seconds!
Sarah Johnson

MBA Candidate

Game-changer for business case studies. 70% better retention in half the time.
Prof. Rodriguez

Biology Department

Student test scores up 35%. Best teaching assistant I never had to hire!
Michael Wu

Law Student

Saved my bar exam prep. Made memorizing legal precedents actually possible.
Alex Chen

Pre-Med Student

PDF Quiz boosted my anatomy exam from a C to an A-. Flashcards in seconds!
Sarah Johnson

MBA Candidate

Game-changer for business case studies. 70% better retention in half the time.
Prof. Rodriguez

Biology Department

Student test scores up 35%. Best teaching assistant I never had to hire!
Michael Wu

Law Student

Saved my bar exam prep. Made memorizing legal precedents actually possible.
Emma Taylor

High School Teacher

Student engagement skyrocketed. They actually enjoy test prep now!
David Park

Software Engineer

I master new frameworks 3x faster. Documentation to quiz = rapid learning.
Olivia Martinez

Medical Resident

Perfect for short study breaks. Saving 5+ hours weekly on exam prep.
Dr. Thompson

University Dean

42% higher student satisfaction. Professors report better test results.
Emma Taylor

High School Teacher

Student engagement skyrocketed. They actually enjoy test prep now!
David Park

Software Engineer

I master new frameworks 3x faster. Documentation to quiz = rapid learning.
Olivia Martinez

Medical Resident

Perfect for short study breaks. Saving 5+ hours weekly on exam prep.
Dr. Thompson

University Dean

42% higher student satisfaction. Professors report better test results.
Emma Taylor

High School Teacher

Student engagement skyrocketed. They actually enjoy test prep now!
David Park

Software Engineer

I master new frameworks 3x faster. Documentation to quiz = rapid learning.
Olivia Martinez

Medical Resident

Perfect for short study breaks. Saving 5+ hours weekly on exam prep.
Dr. Thompson

University Dean

42% higher student satisfaction. Professors report better test results.
Emma Taylor

High School Teacher

Student engagement skyrocketed. They actually enjoy test prep now!
David Park

Software Engineer

I master new frameworks 3x faster. Documentation to quiz = rapid learning.
Olivia Martinez

Medical Resident

Perfect for short study breaks. Saving 5+ hours weekly on exam prep.
Dr. Thompson

University Dean

42% higher student satisfaction. Professors report better test results.
How PDF Quiz Works

Your Learning Journey With Us

From PDF to personalized quiz in seconds with our intelligent learning system

Seamless PDF Upload

Simply drag and drop any PDF document into our system. We handle textbooks, research papers, course notes, and any text-based learning material that you want to learn from.

Pro Tip: For best results, upload PDFs with clear text content. Text-based PDFs work best for extracting high-quality quiz questions.
PDF Upload
AI Analysis

GPT-Powered Processing

We leverage the power of large language models (GPTs) to analyze your documents and extract the most important information that's ideal for quiz-based learning.

How it works: Our system processes the content of your PDF using advanced AI to understand the key concepts, facts, and relationships within the material, similar to how a human tutor would read and digest information.

Focused Quiz Generation

Our system creates concise, targeted quizzes in a 4-question format, each with a single correct answer. This focused approach helps reinforce key concepts without overwhelming you with excessive content.

Efficient Learning: Studies show that focused, short-form quizzes are more effective for knowledge retention than lengthy tests. Our 4-question format makes regular practice sustainable and effective.
Quiz Generation
Question Banks

Adaptive Question Banks

Combine multiple quizzes into comprehensive question banks for long-term study. Our custom algorithm identifies questions you're struggling with and serves them up more frequently in future practice sessions.

Smart Learning: By targeting your weak points, our system ensures you spend more time on challenging content and less time on material you've already mastered, making your study sessions more efficient.
Interactive Demo

Try It Out

Experience how PDF Quiz works with our interactive demo quiz. No sign-up required!

Experience PDF Quiz
See how our AI transforms documents into interactive quizzes that boost learning retention
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This is a simplified demo. Upload your own PDFs after signing up for personalized quizzes!
Perfect For Everyone

Who Benefits Most?

See how PDF Quiz transforms learning experiences for different users

Parents Supporting Learning

Help your children excel in school with personalized learning support

Transform textbook chapters into engaging quizzes
Identify knowledge gaps to focus homework help
Build confidence through guided practice

Higher Education Students

Master complex subjects and organize lecture notes into effective study materials

Compile lecture notes into structured question banks
Focus on challenging concepts with targeted practice
Prepare efficiently for midterms and finals

Self-Paced Learners

Enhance your independent learning journey with structured knowledge assessment

Turn any educational PDF into interactive quizzes
Track your progress across different subjects
Reinforce learning with spaced repetition
Flexible Plans

Simple, Transparent Pricing

Start for free, upgrade when you're ready. No hidden fees or complicated tiers.

Prices shown in your preferred currency. Final pricing at checkout may vary based on your location.

Free Forever

Perfect for trying out the service

No credit card required
  • Save up to 3 quizzes

    Perfect for occasional study sessions

  • 4 questions per quiz

    Cover key concepts from your materials


For serious learners

or £30.00/year (save 50%)
  • Unlimited quizzes

    Create as many quizzes as you need

  • 30 questions per quiz

    Comprehensive knowledge assessment

  • Priority support

    Get help when you need it most

Common Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I upgrade or downgrade at any time?

Yes, you can upgrade to Premium or downgrade to Free at any time.

Is there a limit to the size of PDFs I can upload?

Free accounts can upload PDFs up to 10MB. Premium accounts can upload PDFs up to 50MB.

How do question banks work?

Question banks allow you to combine multiple quizzes into a single study resource. Our algorithm tracks which questions you struggle with and serves them up more frequently to help you learn faster.

Can I use PDF Quiz for my classroom?

Absolutely! PDF Quiz is perfect for educators looking to create engaging study materials for their students from textbooks and lecture notes.

30-day money-back guarantee on all premium plans
Transform Your Learning Journey

Ready to supercharge your learning?

Whether you're a parent helping your child study or a university student mastering complex subjects, PDF Quiz transforms any learning material into engaging, effective quizzes.

Improved retention through active recall quizzes
Save hours of study time with optimized learning
Better scores through targeted practice
Loved by students, parents & educators

No credit card required. Free plan available with no time limits.


As a parent helping my teenager through high school biology, PDF Quiz has been a game-changer. We upload textbook chapters and instantly get quizzes that highlight what needs more attention. It's transformed our study sessions!

Sarah K.Parent of high school student